Tenant referencing (per person, per reference) - £50.00
Guarantor referencing (per person, reference) - £50.00
Tenancy creation and setup administration fee (per tenancy) - £350.00
Deposit registration fee (per deposit registered) - £25.00
Possession notice (per notice) - £120.00
Rent increase and any other notice (per notice) - £80.00
Deposit dispute fee (per dispute) - £120.00
Court witness attendance fee (per attendance) - £216.00
Court bailiff attendance fee (per attendance) - £108.00
Tenancy renewal fee (per tenancy) - £195.00
Pre-tenancy minimum cancellation, percentage charged (on what would have been one month's rent, per tenancy find) - 60.00% plus VAT (72.00%) of value, e.g. if value is £1000.00 then you would pay £720.00
Tenancy minimum cancellation fee (per tenancy) - £600.00
Professional rate charged by the Agent when required to carry out any additional services (per hour) - £72.00
Landlord request for annual statement (per each request) - £60.00
3rd party insurance claims (per claim value) - 10.00% plus VAT (12.00%) of value, e.g. if value is £1000.00 then you would pay £120.00
Non UK resident landlord, in the event the Agent is required to pay and account for tax to HMRC (per transaction value) - 5.00% plus VAT (6.00%) of value, e.g. if value is £1000.00 then you would pay £60.00
Arrangement fee for works when the property is vacant as there is no tenancy to manage (per cost amount value) - 10.00% plus VAT (12.00%) of value, e.g. if value is £1000.00 then you would pay £120.00